Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Melting Pot is rusting through...

I know I cannot be the only one awake this morning a bit disillusioned with
this country and its attitude. Where people openly support bigotry and hatred.
Where they use fear to justify targeting a group. Now I know exactly how
my ancestors felt, how other people targeted by hate, stuck in interment
camps felt. The fear a very real fear that they can and will end up targets
of misguided fear.

We don't classify all Christians as ignorant barbaric terrorists, even with
the percentage of young white christian males who go on mass shooting
sprees. We see people who identify with that faith hold a bible in one hand
and an assault rifle in another in pictures. Making me wonder "do you even
read that book you swear you live your life by?"

Yes some people who claim to be of the Muslim faith have done bad things,
that sadly can be said about all faiths. From the conflicts in Israel, to our
own backyard there is constant conflict and strife in the name of faith.
But never in my days, as a avid history buff, did I think id live and see
history so vividly repeat itself. Where people I used to respect spout utter
nonsense about fellow human beings. Where a man can run for the leader
of our country using hate and rhetoric that causes division. Where his own
fellow party members say "dude stop it you really have gone too far."

Then to hear him in an interview go "oh I love my Muslim friends and they
agree with my bigoted sentiment..." Uh no let me tell you right now as the
person who has always been the "black friend" if you do have Muslim friends
left Mr. Trump and you think they would be okay with you blocking people
of their faith from coming into this country. Or wearing special marks to
tell they are Muslim or any other ridiculousness you are delusional. It is very
offensive that he believes that the only way to end hate is to use hate. And sadly
he is not alone in this.

So what can we who truly feel this is not how we want our country to end up do?
Well we cannot do like our grandparents and great grandparents. No not the ones who
held up signs like "no Japs allowed" and other ignorant things. I am talking about
the relatives who did not speak up against this evil. Who did not make their voice heard
at the polls. We must do everything we can not to be apathetic to this election.
We cannot afford a president like Donald Trump. I am pleading with friends and
family who don't get out to vote, who think it doesn't matter. Believe me it does.
Please don't let history repeat itself, I don't want to be known as yet another generation
of humans who shunned a group of people based on their faith. Nor do I want to
see a Fourth Reich lead by Herr Trump...

More thoughts to come...

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