Monday, November 23, 2015

The need to step away

I had to disconnect myself from the tethers of Facebook,
while I enjoyed spreading positive thoughts and trying
to share thoughts. The constant hatred and negative
got to me. The lack of human compassion. The thought
that people I used to really think highly of so readily
give into fear. It just got to be too much.

We live in such a day and age where information is
at our fingertips. Yet beyond sharing vines and memes
no one wants to seek out the truth behind things anymore.
They take at face value rumors, they close their hearts
to the plights of others not realizing that in itself is
as an act of selfishness as those who blatantly hate.

I was not truly disappointed by the usual suspects,
I expected them to come at me with the "we can't trust"
we must be vigilant garbage. I knew those types would
have to have their say yet again with no proof to
back up their claims about terrorists.

I knew they would ignore my facts posted from
immigration lawyers. That they would scoff at
the whole using facts, because facts have no place
with blind fears. So no they were not the ones who
finally made me feel like giving up on humanity.

Its the fence sitters, the people who I know are
capable of looking up things, of finding out facts.
These people probably close their eyes to the bad.
They have never had it where they know what it feels
to have everything ripped from you by war.
They have never been prejudged by society.
It made me wonder if they are the ones who will
smile in my face, but behind my back during things
like Ferguson and Trayvon Martin go along with
those who deem brown skin folks "animals?"

Maybe not, but I can't trust that anymore.
When the people I used to admire show me
they are no better than the people who I know
will only show hatred and irrational fear.
When those same beings to me are in the
boat with those who say "take care of our own"
yet do nothing to do such. I know I need to step

I don't know how long my break from it all will be.
I feel a lot better not constantly viewing negative or
even worst  misinformation being spread. Despite
missing saying good morning to folks or wishing
them a good day or positive vibes. Sometimes you
really have to step away from it all so that you can
mean what you put out there for people. And right now
I don't, I don't feel positive. I feel scared for society.
Scared that we've become so self absorbed that
the lives of others mean so little. That we choose
to put hands over our eyes in face of information.

So with that in my mind I will be focusing on
life outside the internet. Hopefully when or if
I return it will be back to feeling hope for humanity again...

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