Monday, July 25, 2016

Showcasing pain for political gain? Or finally an open forum for injustice...The DNC's chance to shine a light on or exploit a serious matter

As I checked the morning news feed which is a daily ritual for me. I clicked an article reaming the mother of a man who died in Bengahzi who the RNC used to drive home that Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton had blood on her hands.

Was it tasteless? My like most opinions would say yes. The reason why is that was a cheap shot using false claims that Mrs. Clinton alone is responsible for that tragedy. A false fact that is parroted by many beings who won bother to look at the raw facts.

I could join the bemoaning band wagon of what the RNC did, but A. I as a mother would never tear down what another mother who lost her child feels. Even if I feel her genuine grief was blatantly manipulated.

B. At this moment I am conflicted on the DNC's choice to have several mothers of slain black men and women speak.

I say I am conflicted for many reasons but the main one is the Democrats have been notoriously careful around the subject of Black lives matter. In fact our own President backtracked after making a comment calling police involved in pulling over and holding a prominent African American man morons, quickly redacted and apologized for his statement.


Because even if President Obama truly feels the impact of the lives which are being tragically snuffed out by those who should not be in law enforcement. He like other politicians are pressured to stand in support of the police no matter how heinous the acts their departments across this country are being caught engaging in.

From murdering seven year old young black child Aiyanna Jones, to 12 year old Tamir Rice, from shooting Michael Brown and letting the body lay in the street for four hours. To Sarah Bland who died in custody, or Freddy Grey who took a ride from hell, this and many more acts of violence and murder against black people are why movements such as Black Lives Matter were created.

It's the fundamental message that we have had enough, especially in light of the recent unarmed black shootings, including the recent incident in Miami which the police are trying to call and "accident." This country is a literal powder keg with some already using lethal messages against law enforcement to say enough is enough.

So how will this DNC move play out to an already frayed nerve of a nation? Will these women, these mothers who have felt a tragedy beyond what many of us can understand, be utilized in a way to truly shine a light on a problem many of us feel is not taken seriously in this country?

Or will it sadly be a dog and pony show for the DNC to exploit in the sake of gaining the black voters trust? I try as I write out my feelings not to let my cynism reign heavy. But I cannot ignore the facts that before this convention many of these issues went largely ignored by both the white house and Mrs. Clinton herself. From throwing out BLM protestors who crashed a fund raiser to our President stating his "support for the men and women in blue" recently. It gives me little hope that the DNC will do much better than the exploiting nature of the RNC's Bengahzi mom.

I hope for everyone's sake I am wrong. I hops these women are truly able to shine a platform on a subject too many are afraid to truly brooch. A subject that needs to be hammered in so that future children and their families are not marred by such tragedy.  I truly hope this is not just some ploy for sympathy and a true call for people to see the injustice that has largely been downplayed, twisted or outright ignored.

I will be watching the DNC with cautious hope.

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