Thursday, October 1, 2015

The gun worship must stop

Another school shooting...

People ask when will this madness stop?
Funny but when you think about it,
we court our own madness.
We live in a technologically advanced
Yet we place more value on the right to
own and bare arms, than we do the lives
lost to senseless violence.
As someone who has grown up around guns.
Who knows responsible gun owners,
it used to be a sit on the fence topic for me.
But as a mother, as a parent with the fear that
one day my child will be attending a class,
and lose his life to someone who decided
that day to use a gun to make their statement.
I can no longer act as if the weapons are not
the root of the problem.
People will find other ways to kill is no longer
an acceptable argument.

A part deep and dark had to
restrain another thought.
One fueled by the constant injustice
I feel at the constant profiling of youth of my color.
It is sad that in my country a brown skin or ethnic
person is profiled, followed as if expected to do
a criminal act. Called a terrorist for their faith.
Yet some person with clear stability issues,
is allowed to get their hands on a gun.
And cause senseless tragedy.
And people fail to bring up the
perpetrator's skin tone unless they happen
to be of a foreign identity.
But sadly many are American good ole boys.
Who just had enough or were pushed right?
No one calls them a thug,
their mental health will be questioned.
But words like savage, animal won't
be tossed their way.
And that is why I say we bring this
senselessness on our own heads.
Turn a blind eye to the danger,
then act like “nothing can be done about it.”
Oh it can be, you just wouldn't like it.
It may tread on your right to be a modern
cowboy(girl). Take away that seductive
power of cold metal firing its death missile
at anyone who threatens your freedom...
Elvis Costello has a song,
"what's so funny about peace love and understanding?"
The funny thing is most who want peace and
understand what is needed for it, can't get passed
those who think their freedom comes from a gun.

So I pose the question? How many more
will fall before we decide to stop worshiping
the gun?
For all the freedom it supposedly brings,
to me currently all it does is bring death and sorrow...

More thoughts to come...

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