Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Color, Class, what does it matter if you are an ass?

Sometimes you have to shake your head
at the silliness of things. Other times
it makes you think. There is a movement
going around on social media calling for
a ban of the New Star Wars Movie due to it
being "anti white..." This franchise which
brought us so many different creature races
being accused of racism makes me shake my
head. And begs to question why in this day
and age do we still keep associating skin
tone to race? When last I checked the 
human species is one race. When we see
two lions of different tones, one doesn't
become a lion and an black lion. The tan
lion is not its own lion species. So
then why do we humans as allegedly the most
intelligent species continue to promote
the thought that pigment= another race?

I said this on a friends Facebook post
and it bares repeating. We humans are
like argumentative crayons. We come in
different colors,shapes due to use and
mold. Some of us are worn, some broken.
Some of us vie to be one of the popular
colors, not realizing none of it matters.
You are more than a color, its just
pigment a covering for skin over
a skeleton. You are not a different
race, there is only one...Human.

So it troubles me when people use tone,
faith, sexual orientation, income to divide.
But the race thing has always been top on
my peeve list. When I look at people I see
humans, some of the most kindest intelligent,
to the sadly hate filled and ignorant.
The only true difference in us is how we
perceive the world. There are a lot who
are bitter, have a need to be superior.
But there are many others who just want
to live. Want to appreciate all this world
has to offer. Enjoy the different beliefs
that make this world a very interesting place.

I often wonder if in my life time will I
see people wake up and understand they are
humans. No matter where their country of origin
is, no matter what they look like? I can only
hope that someone in my future generation gets
to experience this reality. For the rest of us
the fog of stupidity is too thick for now.

More thoughts to come...

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