Wednesday, November 9, 2016

To those asking for Unity after this election...

I wanted to start this off by saying just how tired I am today.
I know I am not the only one, you could see it all day, faces
of shock and dejection. The reality of this outcome setting in.
But outside of tired I feel angry, literally spitting fire mad at
this country right now. Not just at the bigots who like roaches
came out to support a unequivocally unfit person to be our
President elect. But to all those who were sneaky about
supporting him. To those who smiled in my face in my
neighborhood. Worked along side me, to those who acted
like Allies...the demographics don't lie. To those especially
asking me to accept and unify so that they don't feel uncomfortable
about the role they played in downplaying how dangerous Trump
is and will be for our entire country. But most especially those of
us he deemed unworthy of his vision of a “Great America...”

I guess to you its okay, you're not the targets, you're not
the wrong ethnicity, wrong orientation, wrong religion.
No this government tells you you're “Right” all the damn time
they based their platforms off giving you a social bubble
so they can actively hold the rest of us down, vilify us.
Lock us up for revenue, and fuck over our children.

I have been socially aware for many years now,
I try hard to fight the good fight. Because I thought I knew
who my true enemies are. But after election 2016 I realized
you all hid in plain sight. You all worried about making
shit great for you, and gave the rest of us a big middle finger.

I shouldn't be surprised, look at how some former friends
react when a young black child is shot. When that idiot woman
who refused to do her job filling out marriage certificates for
gay couples. How many of them chimed in with their fragile
responses of “the cops were just doing their job” “stand your
ground.” “Gay people shouldn't try to push their stuff onto us.”

These same fuckers are now trying to call for us to unify...

Under a president elect who is openly bigoted and racist?
Under his VP who is anti LGBT and passed sadistically
cruel legislation against Women's rights? You want all
of us who have put up with a year of Trump mocking
shunning or out right scapegoating us to sing Kumbaya
and act like shit is going to be okay?

Hell to the No!

I will repeat myself


NO I will not unify!
NO I will not act happy its over!
NO I do not feel any fucking hope whatsoever!

As this fucking circus starts we are facing Sarah Palin
Rudy Guilliani, Joe Arpacio and a whole host of
fuckery in positions of power that will be a detriment
to many American citizens. You know the ones you
already felt made your America not so great...

We are facing the reality of a return of stop and frisk,
profiling on a national level. Of climate change denial
so strong that even a fucking Tsunami in the middle of
Times Square won't shake these numbskulls who deny it.
Women will have to worry about our bodies being literally
govern to the point where making our own decisions are done for.
Gays may expect a repeal of their marriage equality.
Muslims are facing being marked by badges if not tattoos
Mexicans legal and other wise face violence and deportation
along with many of us who are deemed unworthy by this new

So if you come at me in the next few days asking me to unify,
to accept this shit show we are going to have to swallow
whether we want to or not. I am going to give you a hearty
fuck you and get the fuck out of my face. I am not about to lay
in bed with a bunch of people who hate me, just so you can feel

More thoughts to come...

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