Sunday, September 4, 2016

Serious thoughts: The seduction of negative against acts of good

Society needs to stop highlighting the negative and shine a light on the positive.

Today after my morning social media jaunt, I found myself truly thinking about the way society has slanted. While I do my part to fight against discrimination in many forms, I realized a trend of socially acceptable attacks on people trying to do good. In recent times we have seen stories of acts of good involved with negative, from the ninety year old veteran who was arrested in Florida for feeding the homeless. To the Pennsylvanian woman who was fined six hundred dollars for feeding needy children without a permit, or the Idaho cafeteria manager that was fired for given needy children free food. I noticed a serious trend in our society allowing acts of good and kindness to be penalized and or made out to be criminal acts. Now fortunately for the Veteran who said he will continue to help no matter what the homeless law against feeding says, and the Idaho manager being offered a job in the school district back, we do see that sometimes positive wins out. 

It is time to question why helping others is viewed so negative as of late

But it needs to be questioned why we allow laws against helping others? Why is it bureaucratically okay to penalize people for trying to help others? Why is society allowing this to be acceptable in any form? America likes to brag about being a nation with many Christians. It should be a leading force in acts to help the needy, shelter and feed the homeless and lift on and other up from the bottom. Yet we are more known globally for our high incarceration record, then our acts of actual charity and that is very troubling. I think about the things I do on a personal level, my child's school holds weekend food and clothing drives. I try each month to give something whether its time, money or items that we no long use. But is it enough?

I know how fortunate I am, every night I lay in a clean bed, my stomach full from a good meal. My child has clean clothes, goes to a great school, we have proper shelter and live well. But there are many fellow American's that do not have this, and while some will say things like “what have they done to earn it?” I say its not my place to even think like this, for me I don't care what a families situation is, if their kids need food I want to feed them. If I have clothing I cannot/do not use I want someone to make use of them. I think as I get older and realize how much junk I held on to that I never intend to use or bother with that could help others who would use it. I started to really stream line and align my whole life better. I know I can't give monetarily all the time, but as long as I have something be it time or items I give. 

Attacking a charity should never be considered an acceptable norm

The latest recipients of negative attacks for doing good is The Clinton Foundation.The charity itself has come under intense scrutiny due to Hillary Clinton's bid for president. Even though the charity itself has an A+ rating and is one hundred percent transparent even more so than leading charities such as the Red Cross. The negative coverage and allegations of “alleged pay for play” has dogged the foundation. So far the only thing that has been uncovered is just how much the Clinton Foundation has helped several sick and needy people. Spending millions in donations towards Aids medicine for the sick in places like Africa. So for those who nay say, or wish to believe in a conspiracy that the Clinton's have used funds anywhere else, facts are proving that those conspiracies are nothing but Myths. It truly makes me question why people are so eager to believe the bad before the good though? Have we really fallen so far that we are more enticed by negative stories and doubtful of the true good? I feel as if every day I am waking up to a wall tilting on a balance between hopeful progress and falling into the lowest pit of harm and despair. All I can do is keep my eyes open, my mind and heart focus and hope with all my soul that the people who continue to strive for good wont give up. And do my part as well to shine good in a more positive light. 

Here are a few links to charities in my state to help needy families:

You can also do your part by using google or seeing if your school/church or social clubs host such events. Every one can help in small ways and make being good a positive thing again. 

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